Deja Vu of Massachusetts in Illinois

February 4, 2010 at 4:14 am 5 comments

By Good Ole Boy/ Jim

The primary in Illinois came out with liberal RINO Mark Kirk as the Republican contender for the US Senate. The situation is identical to the Massachusetts election of Brown. The RNC endorsed Kirk and he outspent all the other Republicans. The only difference from Massachusetts is Illinois is not as heavily Democratic. A conservative is running as an Independent just as Brown did.

Mike Niecestro is a solid conservative that needs support and donations to get name recognition and his message out. He is pro gun, pro life, anti anesty, for lower taxes and smaller government. All things the RNC endorsed Kirk is against. It’s deja vu of the Massachusetts Republican the RNC endorsed.

The RNC doesn’t get that conservatives don’t want RINOs. They think that anyone calling themselves Republican and having a shot at getting elected is good enough. The base of the Republican party is conservative and they are the majority of the party. In today’s political climate real conservatives have an exelent chance as independents are leaning consevative in response to the liberal/socialist agenda that Obama and liberal leadership of Congress are forcing on the country.

If Mike Niecestro can get enough support and win in November the RNC will of had themselves rebuked twice. The old saying comes to mind fool me once sorry you, fool me twice sorry me. Don’t let them try it twice. Lets elect true conservatives. The Republican leadership is turning the party into Democrat Lite, something we don’t need.

We can elect a true conservative who will help our country to the right path and send a message to the Republican leadership to straighten up or endure the consequences of a major exodus from the party.

Go to Micheal Niecesro’s web site and see what he is about. Donate what you can and volunteer if you can.

Entry filed under: Deception, Election, GoodOleBoy, misc, Political, Political people. Tags: , , , , , , , , , .

Obama’s State of the Union The Superbowl of Wasting Taxper’s Money

5 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Déjà vu of Massachusetts in Illinois « Hepsy's Kuleana  |  February 4, 2010 at 5:26 am

    […] 100203 By Good Ole Boy/ Jim -from RealAmericanPolitics […]

  • […] Deja Vu of Massachusetts in Illinois […]

  • 3. Deja Vu of Massachusetts in Illinois « Dancing Czars  |  February 5, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    […] Deja Vu of Massachusetts in Illinois […]

  • 4. Mike Niecestro  |  February 6, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    Thank you for the continuing support. I will assure you that we will be on the ballot this fall. We have in excess of 400 grass roots people ready to go out and get petitions signed and growing daily, effective March 23, 2010. We do not anticipate getting the 25,000 minimum, but actually shooting for a minimum of 60,000 signatures. I will not back down because like you feel, this has been our strategy since day 1. We want to take enough votes away from Kirk, to force him to withdrawal by Labor Day. We will succeed!!! We the people, one on one with Alexi, we will win in the fall. Again thank you, and feel free to call me anytime!! My cell phone is 630-363-3763

    • 5. GoodOleBoy  |  February 6, 2010 at 8:14 pm

      I will help with signatures, I was going to call after Wed. Feb 17 as our local Tea Party Organization meets then. I hope to get more involved and get some dates that you could come and talk. I was hoping to get a date for Petersburg and Springfield.


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