Posts tagged ‘Obama Health Care,’

The Dam Government

This is an actual letter sent to a man named Ryan DeVries regarding a pond on his property. It was sent by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality, State of Pennsylvania . This guy’s response is hilarious, but read The State’s letter before you get to the response letter.

Continue Reading February 12, 2012 at 2:52 pm 8 comments

Stalin and Obama – Bosom Buddies

by Good Ole Boy/Jim

If Obama were able to get some of his Kenyan kin get a witch doctor to bring back Joseph and have him hit the campaign trail for Obama and the Democrats. Here is a preview of the first for the 2012 campaign season.

August 28, 2011 at 10:18 pm 1 comment


By Good Ole Boy/ Jim

The Founders crafted a system of government that left no branch stronger than the others with a system of checks and balances. This has worked with minor glitches for 200 years. Same party majorities in the house and senate have given presidents a much easier time in passing bills that they see as needed. Restraint on presidents from overstepping his constitutional bounds were seen as a congressional duty even when the president enjoyed a majority held congress. A good portion of our countries history the voters balanced the system by electing a president from the party with a minority stake in the congress which ensured restraint.

Continue Reading September 13, 2010 at 12:26 pm 10 comments

Run Away, Run Away

By Good Ole Boy/Jim
What do liberals do when their lies are pointed out to them? Many start by going over talking points that have nothing to do with the issue like Obama but if you are Phil Hare you run away like a child. This is the congressman who said he didn’t worry about the Constitution and then tried quoting it only to be told it was the Declaration of Independence which he didn’t care about either.

Continue Reading April 5, 2010 at 6:10 pm 7 comments

Health Care Bill Causing Job Loses

By Good Ole Boy/Jim
Caterpillar will lose 100 million the first year and just announced 2,000 jobs will be cut all due to the health care bill. The solidly Democratic union members losing their jobs may be rethinking their support for Obama now. In a letter Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader John Boehner, and provided to, the Peoria, Ill.-based company urged lawmakers to vote against the bill, citing provisions in it — such as new coverage mandates and the taxation of Medicare subsidies for prescription drugs — that would drive up its health care costs by more than 20 percent.

Continue Reading March 24, 2010 at 9:56 pm 6 comments

Democrats Ignore the People

We now know the supposed pro-life Democratic house member Bart Stupak and others aligned with him were lying about their plans to vote no on Obamacare if the abortion funding was included. They have played the people assuming we are fools. We should of known from the start they were Democrats and party affiliation trumps any convictions they have or say to have for political expediency.

Continue Reading March 21, 2010 at 9:18 pm 2 comments

The Vote Reaper

Star Wars humor and liberal nonsense.

March 10, 2010 at 5:27 pm Leave a comment

Deja Vu of Massachusetts in Illinois

The primary in Illinois came out with liberal RINO Mark Kirk as the Republican contender for the US Senate. The situation is identical to the Massachusetts election of Brown. The RNC endorsed Kirk and he outspent all the other Republicans. The only difference from Massachusetts is Illinois is not as heavily Democratic. A conservative is running as an Independent just as Brown did.

Continue Reading February 4, 2010 at 4:14 am 5 comments

Obama’s State of the Union

Obama’s State of the Union address started out looking like he was going to moderate his stance with a few pledges on helping the middle class. This would be his attempt to sway voters in the November elections. I was starting to worry because the average voter has the memory of a rock. But farther on he couldn’t help but to slip back to his leftist agenda.

I lost all apprehension that the voters would be fooled. The liberals in congress and president will be pushing obamacare, Cap and Trade and doubtless amnesty for illegal aliens in the coming months. The Republican landslide is still on track. If we can only get conservative Republicans and not RINOs to win in the primaries the nation might be saved.

Continue Reading January 28, 2010 at 11:22 pm 1 comment

Democrats Subverting Law

Massachusetts has a history of changing laws to benefit Democrats. They are now saying they may have to delay seating the senator elected in the Jan. 19 election. Undoubtedly that will not happen if the Democrat Coakley wins, but if Republican Brown wins you can count on it. The Democrats have no shame in their effort to pass Obamacare. They have bribed and threatened, thwarting the will of the people to them is no big deal, they are used to it.

Continue Reading January 13, 2010 at 11:23 pm 4 comments

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